Sunday, March 27, 2005

March 27, 1944

March 27, 1944, originally uploaded by Filboid Sudge.

Bill Hanna, A Cast of Friends:

In order to insure production efficiency, Quimby had hired a veteran Disney artist named Max Maxwell as his production manager. Maxwell had gone on from Disney's to work as a production manager at Harman-Ising and was an extremely capable supervisor with a confident and clear grasp of every aspect of animation production. what's more, Max also understood the creative temperament of the people involved in cartoonmaking and acted as an effective communication liason between ourselves and Fred Quimby.


Carman "Max" Maxwell at MGM

Joe Barbera, My Life in 'toons:
My first day of work started with an interview with Fred Quimby, nominally in charge of the embryonic cartoon unit, and a guy named Maxwell. I sat down. My nose was painfully burned and split down the middle, the result of having heedlessly driven three thousand miles in an open car.

Maxwell pondered, then asked, "The cartoons- can you make them funny?"

"Well, you can make anything funny," I responded.

Quimby and Maxwell nodded in solemn agreement. I was definitely in.


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